The Friends of The Ninety-Nines, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that aims to support the Ninety-Nines. Friends of The Ninety-Nines are individuals, businesses, and organizations of all backgrounds and nationalities who share an enthusiasm for aviation and a desire to support The Ninety-Nines.

In North Alabama, we have one such individual, Adam Fox, who supports not only the 99s but the aviation community as a whole. Adam is the Pryor Field Airport Director. Over the last two years since Adam has been in this position, the Alabama 99s has asked for help on events numerous times, and Adam has always come through for us.

In October, the Alabama 99s hosted the SE Section of the 99s, and Adam offered Pryor Field to be the host airport for the event, along with hosting our opening night event. Adam’s support allowed us to save money on the event, which means the funds raised went into our Minnie Wade Memorial Scholarship instead of a venue cost.

As a thank you to Adam for all he has done for the Alabama 99s, we have provided him with a Friends of the 99s membership!